A casual stroll through Japanese history

Shrines and Temples

Oumi Jingu Shrine-The Holy Land of Karuta | Shiga

What is Oumi Jingu Shrine?

Oumi Jingu Shrine is located in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture.

This shrine was built on the site of the Otsu Palace, which was built by the 38th Emperor Tenchi.
Emperor Tenchi, who is worshipped here as a deity, is also famous for carrying out the Taika Reform of the Taika Era.
Some people may know him better as Emperor Naka-no-Oe-no-Oji rather than Emperor Tenchi.
He is said to be the “god of shaping destiny” because of his role in the Taika Reformation.
He is also said to be the “Guardian God of Time” because he adopted the first clock in Japan.

Various festivals are held at the shrine, the most famous of which is probably the Karuta Festival.
There are many other festivals as well, so why not check the website and go see the festival of your choice?

Omi Jingu Shrine is about a 20-minute walk from JR Otsukyo Station. If you take a cab, it will take about 9 minutes’ walk.
Parking for 200 cars is available, making it easy for those who wish to drive there.

Oumi Jingu Shrine | Found Japan

The vermilion tower gate is the representative structure of Oumi Jingu Shrine! Light up the gate!

One of the highlights of the Oumi Jingu Shrine is the vermilion tower gate.

This gate was used in the filming of the movie “Chihayafuru” and is a representative structure of Omi Jingu Shrine.

It is a perfect place for taking commemorative photos, so we recommend that you take a picture here to celebrate your visit to Omi Jingu Shrine!

Furthermore, this vermilion tower gate is illuminated for a limited time.The illumination will be held in conjunction with the karuta championships.
The illuminated gate is very beautiful and fantastic!

The stairway is also beautifully illuminated with a colorful color scheme of 100 poems.

Oumi Jingu Shrine | Found Japan

Oumi Jingu Shrine | Found Japan

Let’s visit the Oumi Kangakukan! There’s even an exhibit of original artwork from Chihayafuru!

Since Emperor Tenchi composed the first verse of the Hyakunin Isshu, the Oumi Jingu Shrine is also called the “Karuta Hall of Fame.
Many competitive karuta tournaments are held at the Oumi Jingu Shrine, including the “Kekko-Karuta Meijin Koshien/Queen Ranking Tournament,” in which the best Japanese karuta players compete.

The Oumi Kangakukan is used as the venue for this tournament. The Oumi Kangakukan was also used as a filming location for the movie “Chihayafuru.
It is a sacred place for “Chihayafuru” fans!
Inside the Oumi Kangakukan, you will find rare original “Chihayafuru” drawings, autographs of the stars, and autographs of the author.
Inside the museum, panels of “Chihayafuru” characters are displayed everywhere, and visitors can feel the world of “Chihayafuru” just by walking around the museum.
Since the Oumi Kangakukan also allows individual visitors to stay overnight, it would be a good idea to spend the night in this sacred karuta playing ground.

Oumi Jingu Shrine | Found Japan

Oumi Jingu Shrine | Found Japan

Oumi Jingu Shrine has a wide variety of souvenirs

Karuta crackers” and “Karuta lottery” are available, as well as “Chihayafuru” related goods such as “Chihayafuru” clear files and watches.
There are so many souvenirs related to the sacred place of karuta that it is hard to decide which one to buy.
We hope you enjoy your souvenir selection as much as we do.

Access to Oumi Jingu Shrine

1-1 Jingu-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0015, Japan

Parking around Oumi Jingu Shrine

Oumi Jingu Shrine Official Website

Official site:http://oumijingu.org/

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